
History in Japan

]In Edo era
 In 1797(Kansei 9) March 30th,a prostitute who lived in Nagasaki was presented six chocolates by a Dutchman. And then she reported and presented that Yamatoji.The Dutch might bring chocolate(drink) when they were assigned to Japan. Many Dutchmen lived in Nagasaki Dejima presented their used beddings or tools to prostitutes when they returned to their country.

In Meiji era
 In 1873,it is said that a mission of Iwakura inspected chocolate factory when they visited France. The first chocolate in Japan was sold by Fugetudou, and its advertisement was written in Japanise ''貯古齢糖''.

In Taisyou era
 In 1918,Morinaga started to make chocolate from cacaobeans.

During and after the war
By 1940s, imporatation of cacao stopped because of WWⅡ.So Japanise substituted fat of Kikuimos ,lily bulbs(because their flavor are similar to its of chocolate) ,and d-glucose for cacao in order to make ''Gluchocolate''.1945,when Japan lost in WWⅡ, a lot of chocolate were brougt by the occupation foreces of America.The word ''Give me chocolate!'' many children chanted like a incantation in those days is symbol of times occupied by America.
After the war, various chocolate sweets were sold.In 1960,the imporatation of cacao was allowed to sell freely.And in 1971,imparatation of chocolate swwets was also allowed, then  we come to get many kinds of chocolates now.

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