
My favorite Chocolate♥

1 Black thunder YuurakuSeika

2 Sittorichoco Riska

3 Melty Kiss Meiji

4 Choco Flakes Nissei Cisco


Famous chocolate brands

1 GODIVA Since 1926 At Belgium Brussels

2 ROYCE' Since 1983 At Sapporo

3 Mary's Since 1950 At Aoyama

4 JEAN PAUL HAVIN Since 1988 At France Paris

5 MOROZOFF Since 1931 At Koube

Surprising use of chocolate

Chocolate skin treatment
An effect of cacao that valued highly as medicine become the focus of European cosmetician.Chocolate skin treatment is applying a pack(melting non-suger chocolate) to a face. Through this,we can get moist and shiny skin.And we can relax when we smell its fragrance.

Effect on panic disorder
Some people settle by eating chocolate when they fit in a train.It is good for such people to have chocolate in bags.

Surprising cookery

・put in chocolate in curry to enrich the taste
・chocolate ramen

・Mulli Negro
In Mexico,people put sause which made from butter,soy sause,liquor,vineger and chocolate on humburg or chicken.It is took over as a taste of grandmother.


Effect of chocolate and cocoa

1 Prevention of hardening of the arteries  
Cacao poliphenol prevent arteties from accumulateing
cholesterol and hardening.

2. Prevention of cancer
It is said cancer grow when mutated matters mutate DNA of cells and promoted matters activate cells became cancerous. Cacao poliphenol prevent DNA from mutating.

3. Overcome stress 
We can adapt ourselves to physical stress and resist
psychological stress.
4. Effect on allergies and rheumatism
Cacao poliphenol prevent active oxygen that is cause of allergies from overworking.

  5. Prevention from cavity
  A component of cacao can control cavity and stop becoming worse decayed tooth.